Georgia Legal Poker 2025


As with many states in the USA, Georgia has some pretty harsh anti-gambling laws on the statute books, but has so far failed to keep up with the Internet revolution. For state regulators, the words "online poker Georgia" don't exactly go together.

That means, as of March 2025, there is nothing in the state's law that specifically bans the playing of online poker. So go ahead and play at legal poker sites in Georgia. It's perfectly cool.

But with many states now forging ahead with Internet legislation of their own, could Georgia be joining them? Let's look at how close - or far - the Peach State is from having legal, regulated online poker.

Is Online Poker Legal in Georgia?
Is Online Poker Legal in Georgia?

Wisdom, Justice, Moderation goes the state motto in Georgia. But if you're an online poker player in the Peach State in 2025, there's little justice, not much wisdom from lawmakers, and even less moderation in their thinking. The whole online poker GA legal landscape is confusing, to say the least.

As of 2025, while players in Las Vegas and Atlantic City enjoy great real-money poker legally, American Texas Hold'em players in GA are left waiting for similar laws to be passed. The online poker GA legal landscape could change, but right now things are up in the air.

Under Section 16-12-21 of the Georgia Code (3), a person commits the offense of gambling when he or she "plays and bets for money or other thing of value at any game played with cards, dice, or balls."

There isn't even an argument of whether poker is a skill game - there is no distinction made under GA law, which makes things every more murky for online poker Georgia residents.

Are Any More Bills Likely?
Georgia - Are Any More Bills Likely?

With little history of pro-gaming pioneers in the South, there's probably not much chance anything will be passed.

But that's not to say Georgia has been 100 percent anti-gambling over the years. Georgia has a legal state lottery that can be played online. There is also some limited charitable gambling permissible in GA. That means there's already a foundation for online poker GA legal sites to build on.

Meanwhile, one state senator, Lester Jackson, is hoping to bring river casinos to the Peach State in an effort to boost tourism and tax dollars. Although in very early stages, a river casino at Hutchinson Island would, he hopes, create jobs and boost economic growth.

The Future of Legal Poker In Georgia
The Future of Legal Poker In Georgia

With live poker illegal in Georgia (you can't even play home games), and no sign of any relaxation in gaming law, any hope for GA poker players probably rests with federal law being passed that governs poker on the web across the entire country.

For now, at least, poker will remain in that gray area, where USA players in the South will play at unregulated sites on the web. And for players on the road, nearby Florida probably provides the best opportunity for a poker fix.


Can I Play Online Poker Legally in Georgia?

While poker has been grouped together with other forms of betting and casino gaming under state law, there is nothing that specifically outlaws playing poker online. So feel free to play at legal poker sites in Georgia that are regulated outside the state.

What Age Do You Have to be To Gamble There?

The Georgia State Lottery is available to anyone aged 18 and over.

Are There Any Live Casinos in Georgia?

No. You need to travel to Florida to play live casino games or live poker. Or you can enjoy online poker GA action on the many cardrooms that serve Georgia players.

Can I Make Real Cash Deposits In Georgia?

Just as in other US states that don't have Internet poker legislation, Georgians are able to play at non-American poker rooms on the net for real-money, but it may be difficult to get payments processed. Always try a few deposit methods to get currency into your account. Remember, when it comes to online poker, Georgia residents can be found playing with the best of them. Where there's a will, there's definitely a way.